- Trying to find the overwhelming evidence in support of direct creation (and a 6000 year age of mankind). Came up empty. If not even JW literature - supposedly written under direction of the Creator himself - can present any decent evidence for creation, what argument do they have? All they try to do try to discredit evolution....
- In the process, discovering that Watchtower are deceitful, lying summabitchez who seem to be incapable of honestly presenting evidence that seems to contradict their beliefs. They also severely misrepresent scientist's views by selectively quoting out of context. There is not a single decent quote in the 7questions about life brochure. Lying motherf.....I'm still really pissed about that. If they'd be honest enough to say 'listen up guys, those science people have really strong looking arguments we can't refute, but they are with Satan....and we have the Bible and we believe our interpretation of Genesis is much better than what most other Christians believe....so yeah uhm just repeat after us: evolution is false, creation is true' they'd be ridiculous but honest at least. Now they're just ridiculous.
So yeah them lying summabitchez.